Robbery in Cupertino an iPad test model lost with other goods

Nearly a month ago robbers robbed a house in Cupertino, United States they stole many valuable things incidentally including an iPad " Test Model ". Few days ago Police found them and arrest them but still they are unable to recover stolen goods

Mercury New report says “The robbers took the device, along with electronics, prescription drugs and cash valued at $7,500, from a Cupertino home during an incident in which a 20-year-old man was kidnapped and robbed after answering a woman’s online advertisement,". The man kidnapped was free after nearly the drive of one mile because of his own struggle.

Last time when a happen like occur was back in 2010 when the employe lost his iPhone 4 " Test model " in a bar 

But its still not confirm that the device was an upcoming iPad's test model or any of the previous.


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An aspiring web developer with particular interest in Apple products .