Apple Watch user started finding people on web to test their Watch's brand new feature

The most unique of Apple Watch Functionality to send your heartbeat to any of your contact, friend or loved one ( Who have a Apple Watch ). But as we know that Apple is shipping Apple Watch very slowly so most of the people don't have Apple Watch right now. But many who have received their Apple Watch are curious and willing to test their Apple Watch brand new feature that allow to send heartbeats.

Question of the user can be found on reddit’s R/lonelyheartbeats subreddit. It’s still in its infancy — but if you’ve ever been on the lookout for the closest thing to an Apple personal ads corner of the Internet, this is it!

redditor nooshaw tells Wired.“It started as a group of Watch buyers who didn’t know anyone else that was getting one and wanted to play with the Watch to watch heartbeats, sketches, and tap features,” 

This topic look like something depressing  saying " Please oh please come tap me ” to i am a good guy seriously Please add me (I draw very few dicks)!”

Is that really a problem? Are you looking for someone to test Apple Watch heartbeat feature? Is it really disappointing that you cant test ?

Source: Cultofmac

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An aspiring web developer with particular interest in Apple products .