Apple's no more VP Scot Forstall says he is delighted, Apple still make good products

5/12/2015 , 0 Comments

In 2012 Apple' executive who lead the creation of iOS Scot Forstall was kicked out from Apple and no more employed by Apple.

Few days ago in a interview about Broadway play he is working on, He talked about the cause of leaving Apple after the launch of Apple maps. Instead of supporting for Google and Apple's competitor through, Scot Forstall has said that he is delighted Apple is still making awesome products.

"Asked about the split, Mr. Forstall said he was “so proud of the thousands of people I worked with [at Apple] and with whom I remain friends. I am delighted that they continue to turn out great and beloved products.

Being Steve Jobs's favourite employe, Scot Forstall was forced to leave Apple because of the mismanagement during the launch of Apple Maps. After leaving Apple the Software expert has been contributing in philinthropic projects and advising Snapchat.

Forstall's move to Broadway had surprised Apple fans as they were thinking that Scot Forstall will join Google or Samsung but but Forstall says he made the jump to producing plays thanks to his connection to Metallic drummer Lars Ulrich.

On Ulrich's 50th Birthday party in 2013, Forstall meets Carole Shorenstein hays the producer of broadway, Once who handed him the script of "Fun Home" and that was loved that much by Forstall so he wrote her check immediately, and now “The Forstalls” are listed as co-producers on the playbill.

So far the move to Broadway is paying off big time. Early reviews of Fun Home have been glowing with praise, and it was just nominated for 12 Tony awards in April.

Source: cultofmac

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An aspiring web developer with particular interest in Apple products .